In English:


In English:
Hi Ceara Lynch. I am a nineteen year old Spanish boy who was found by chance your website. I have to admit that seeing a single picture of you is really hypnotized me, I thought, as there may be a human being so beautiful, can not be real, since then I remove from my mind. Blinded by your beauty I started searching the internet has more things about you and discovered you're a girl after in that beautiful angelic face hides a cruel goddess, and I have to confess that it really attracts me to you, because you're a girl playing with the imagination of a few perverted men, are like a beautiful goddess unattainable laughs and plays with her slaves, and that torture is what makes you so appealing.
Took several days thinking of you, and imagining things that you can not imagine what, up to and dreamed about you once, I've practically your stolen my soul, soul now belongs to you, but as they are unattainable I thought it might do something for you and for you as well as satisfy my soul. You see I am a draftsman, drawing comics but I'm still learning, and I am also quite a fan of anime and fantasy novels and like you're a big fantasy I'd like to make a picture for you, which you'd come out, it will not have content would be more sexual but spiritual, it would be a drawing in honor of you and your person. If you accept my proposal I promise to put body and soul in that picture, would make me very happy that you wanted them draw and I would be thrilled if you like as well.

I hope you will answer me if you really want to make you a drawing does not know how happy I would. Because to do so I need your approval.

And now I forgive my letter asking you to have bothered you, thank you for having bothered to read to me and ask also apologize for my bad English

To all this it just tell you that I've become a zombie sad light dreams is you, well I hope your answer and I wish you much peace and many happy in your life.